Transitional Subsidy & Cost of Care Plus Payments

Payments for Providers Enrolled with CDA

If you are a child care provider enrolled in CDA’s Alternative Payment Program you may be eligible for the Transitional Subsidy Payment and Cost of Care Plus Rate Payment.

CDA was also contracted by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to make these payments to eligible Stage One and Bridge Program child care providers in other counties throughout California whose County of Human Services Department is unable to provide those payments. To learn more, click here.

Transitional Subsidy Payment

One-time payment to child care providers who received payment from CDA for subsidized child care services in the month of April 2023. Payments issued in November, 2023. 

Cost of Care Plus Rate Payment

Monthly per-child payment to child care providers who received payment from CDA for subsidized child care services These payments will begin in January 2024. 

Status and Impact

Have Questions?

Our team is available to assist with any questions or concerns you may have.

  • For questions about payments, contact our AP Fiscal Team at:
  • For questions about eligibility, contact your Provider Specialist at (619) 427-4411.