Giving Your Child
a Healthy Start

A Good Start Begins With Healthy Food

A balanced and nutritious diet full of fresh fruits and veggies is essential for growing minds and bodies. But how can you ensure the healthiest of foods will always be accessible in child care?

Introducing CDA’s Nutrition Program

We give in-home child care providers access to comprehensive meal plans and healthy food options. Providers benefit by receiving reimbursements for serving nutritious foods at their home. We also provide training, education materials, and monthly nutrition updates, ensuring your kids eat well and grow up to be strong and healthy.

Get Your Provider on Board

Any licensed in-home child care provider is eligible to participate. They simply contact CDA and our nutrition staff will guide them through the process and answer any questions they may have about the program.

Good Nutrition For Over 1,000 Family Child Care Providers And Counting

We enable child care providers to serve over 4.9 million nutritious meals a year. This is no small operation. We’ve been creating positive change in communities for over 50 years, and we know there’s always more we can do.

We Need Parents Like You to Help

Get involved by asking your child care provider if they’ve heard of us and direct them to our website to find out more. By participating in CDA’s Nutrition Program, your provider can assure you that your child will be developing essential healthy eating habits.

Refer Your Provider to CDA

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