Family Resources Newsletter
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Eventos, Talleres, y Boletines
Supporting Family Economic Well-being.
CDA is enrolling 12 families in CDA’s Child Care Payment Program to participate in our new pilot program- Pathways to Positive Change!
This pilot program provides one-on-one coaching, customized goal setting, and access to resources in five key areas to help families achieve economic mobility. Need support to help you set goals and reach long-term success, then this program is for you!
Don’t miss this opportunity. Click the button below to access the flyer and learn more:
Ready to enroll or have questions?
Contact our team to complete an eligibility screening at
PARA PROVEEDORES- ESPAÑOL: Acompáñanos para explorar y aprender que son los hábitos y cómo es que los hábitos se forman, dialogar como es que podémos implementar estratégias de cambio de habitos diariamente y crear un plan de habitos para ayudarle a participantes alcanzar sus metas habituales.
Este es un programa preventivo de intervención temprana que ayuda a los padres a encontrar soluciones positivas a los problemas de comportamiento infantil utilizando estrategias provadas.
*El botón a continuación lo registrará automáticamente para todas las fechas de este taller.
Discover tips and resources to support your family’s success and well-being in our monthly newsletter.
Variable schedules are reimbursed for the actual care hours provided that are within the hours authorized. The reimbursement will not exceed the amount billed by the provider or the full-time (FT) or part-time (PT) RMRC listed on the certificate for child care services. CDA will not reimburse for child absences, provider holiday or closure days on a variable schedule. If the full billed/invoiced amount is not paid, the parent is responsible for the difference directly to the provider.
The number of reimbursable provider holidays and/or non-operation days is limited to a maximum of 10 days per fiscal year. Once these allowable limits are exceeded, reimbursement will be prorated for future closure days.
Fees for registration, material and/or insurance may be reimbursed if the current reimbursement amount does not exceed the Regional Market Rate Ceiling (RMRC). Reimbursement of these fees is limited to one (1) per child, per fiscal year and will be made in a single payment when requested on the child’s attendance record.
Note: For providers with programs that have multiple fees in one year or where it has been determined that the reimbursement amount exceeds the RMRC, the excess fees will be the responsibility of the parent.
When child care is authorized for a total of 25 or more hours per week the Full Time Weekly RMRC will be used. When child care is authorized for a total of less than 25 hours per week the Part Time RMRC will be used.