July 27, 2023

Another Successful Year of Tax Credits!

$29,949,748 in Federal and State Tax Credits Awarded!

On June 30th, 2023 CDA concluded its 5th year as a member of the San Diego County Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Coalition. CDA has been a key player in the education and outreach to ensure all eligible working families, small business owners such as child care providers, as well as seniors and students claim their tax credits. Below is a summary of our 2022 impact as of June:

  • A total of 22,556 Federal tax returns, and 20,908 State tax returns were filed.
  • A total of $29,949,748 of Federal and State tax credits were awarded.
  • A total of 4,677 households claimed the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit resulting in $8,510,07 in credits.
  • A total of 6,152 households claimed the State Earned Income Tax Credit resulting in $1,565,619 in credits.
  • A total of 38,536 households claimed the Child Tax Credit resulting in $7,478,924 in credits. This was 33 percent higher than last year!

The tax deadline was extended through October 16, 2023, for California residents. If you or someone you know have not filed their 2022 taxes- you still have time!
Call 2-1-1 today to get access to free tax filing assistance based on eligibility. 

Every dollar in refunds is an opportunity for a family to pay for their bills, groceries, or debts. CDA is committed to providing opportunities for families and child care providers to thrive!

To get access to the press release, click here.
For more information about tax credits, click here.
