April 7, 2020

CDA Joins San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund

CDA Joins San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund

As the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the state of California, shelter-in-place mandates have closed schools and businesses, and laid-off thousands of employees across San Diego County.

Child Development Associates (CDA) has joined San Diego for Every Child and YMCA Childcare Resource Service in a new emergency grant program to help San Diego essential workers, low-income families, and licensed child care providers impacted by COVID-19.

The San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund supports child care services, food assistance, and remote learning during these unprecedented times. Low-income families and essential workers struggling to make ends meet can receive rapid, emergency grants for food or diapers, and larger grants to help afford child care services. The grant also recognizes the critical work child care providers are providing to essential workers and supports them with grants to pay for food, cleaning supplies, and wages.

“This is a tremendous example of our local philanthropic community recognizing the immediate need to support vulnerable families and to lift up our child care providers in recognition of their critical role supporting working parents on the front lines,” said CDA President and CEO, Rick Richardson. “We will continue working together in response to the urgent needs facing San Diego’s vulnerable children and supporting essential workers who are keeping our community going.”

Over 1,600 applications have been received. Applications are being evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis. The first grant was awarded on March 25, 2020.

Together, we will get through this challenging time.
Tax-deductible donations of any size are welcome to the
San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund at

To download CDA’s Press Release Statement, click here.

Media Coverage:

Coming to the Aid of Those Who Need and Work in Child Care – The San Diego Foundation
